Do I need an image with my article?

Yes. The best articles have images. Articles with images have greater success in capturing your audience's attention. Images can help with Google SEO and social sharing. It even helps Patheos in considering your article for the website and social promotion. Check out the images section of the Editorial Guidelines document and feel free to ask questions about adding images to your articles. 

Should I add "ALT" text to the images I attach to my article?

Yes. ALT or alternate text is important for a couple of reasons. Alternate text helps Google describe the content of your image which it in turn uses in search results. A good practice is to briefly describe your image while also adding your article keywords in the Alternate text. It is also important because the visually impaired use your alternate text to "see" what imagery complements your article.  

Should I have an editorial/content calendar for my column, and why is it helpful?

Have you ever had one of those days where the blank screen mocked your attempts to write something for your readers? A content calendar helps you avoid just that situation. By scheduling out a quarter’s worth of content ideas (or more!) you will always know what you are writing and when. This also gives you the ability to write ahead and schedule articles during busy seasons or before vacations. Your content calendar is one of your most powerful tools in helping you write timely, impactful content tailored to your audience.

I'm running out of ideas about what to write. What do I do?

First, take a look at the Patheos Editoral Calendar and see if any of the topics there benefits your audience. You’re sure to find a few that are helpful! Then it’s time to do a little research. Ask for topic ideas from your audience (audience interaction is always a powerful motivator), read what other blogs on your topic are discussing, look at news headlines, or spend a little time on social media to see what people are talking about. All of these are great ways to spur your creative thought process.

I know someone I think would be a great columnist for Patheos. How can I get them in touch with you?

We love referrals! You can connect them directly to Treasa in an email ( or direct them to the Write for Us form on our website and send a message to Treasa letting her know a referral is coming in so she can watch for them.

Which social media outlets are the best for the promotion of my work?

This largely depends on your audience. You should always promote where they consume content! We have writers posting to LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Pinterest, and outlets we aren’t even familiar with! Writers write, then they share their work.