The Writers' Nook

Patheos Writers' Resource

Tool Library

A Collection of resources to help you increase your audience 

Patheos topics to write about. Use this spreadsheet for ideas based on the time of year, trending topics, and seasonal conversations. 

NEW: Check the Trending Keywords Tabs!
There are two tabs, one with trending faith keywords, and one with general top trending keywords. Write about a trending topic for increased page views.  

NOTE: If a trending keyword is used be sure to include that keyword in your headline and first paragraph. We are looking forward to reading what you write! 

A complete guide to publishing.

Promote your work, grow you audience.

 Webinar 23 Min. 

SEO fundamentals to increase traffic to your content in PDF or Video format.

Patheos Publishing Webinar 20 Min.

Learn about Radiant Digital's Family of Companies

2024 Holidays & Festivals  


Questions Contact
Alan At Patheos